Saturday, February 18, 2023

On Grief in Fiction

 Alright it’s the weekend! I will be off of Tumblr so my last movie review on the blog will be Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, a movie which is still on my mind after a week. Which is not something I thought I’d be saying about a Shrek spin-off but here we are.

I’m getting kind of annoyed because my PS4 will sometimes, of its own accord, decides to uninstall games. It means I have to go back and reinstall them--which, with games as big as Assassin's Creed: Valhalla or Horizon Forbidden West, sometimes takes quite a while!

Not thrilled with what The Flash did with one of its characters for this season...

Saturday, February 11, 2023

On the Afterlife in Fantasy

 I need to do a review of RRR for the movie review blog, but I don’t even know how to begin talking about the film. Because it’s nuts. In a delightful way, but absolutely nuts.

Still working on Horizon Forbidden West and it’s going great. Not sure how to approach the topic of upgrades and picking new equipment up–my instinct is to do that, but also I don’t want to keep using money and resources on things that might get replaced.

And I hate robot kangaroos. Why do they need bombs?!

Also! Public Service Announcement: there’s a GoFundMe for a friend whose daughter has cancer, and I’d appreciate if you took a look and passed it along if you can.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

On Discworld & Opening

 This has been a bit of a strange week, but not a bad one. I’m apprehensive for the future though. But on Monday is that most wonderful of holidays, Waitangi Day! I’m sort of excited for that.

I had an idea for talking about grief in fiction–about how it’s better when characters don’t forget when their friends have died. This was inspired by me sitting and watching a butt ton of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood recently. But given that Waitangi Day’s coming up I didn’t want this to be a sad notes this weekend.

So Discworld and worldbuilding it is, as I recently started my re-read of that series. I don’t care that apparently Stephen King hates the term ‘worldbuilding’!