Saturday, June 24, 2023

Tying Protagonist to Plot

 I don’t know why, but I’ve noticed that on my drive back from work I tend to be in a fairly depressed mood. Maybe I just need to listen to my iPod on the drive back rather than the radio (I generally do iPod in the morning drive, radio in the evening).

I finished another book series this week, which was super cool! I’m glad I did it. At some point soon I will also re-read Stroud’s other big-name series, the one that I actually own signed books for.

I heavily considered doing a "Angelopolis is quite terrible" Note, but for now I'll spare you.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Korra's Powerlessness

 This week has been exhausting, but I’m hoping for a relaxing weekend of playing Assassin’s Creed and reading and eating delicious food.

I finished watching Justice League on Netflix, and will soon be starting Justice League Unlimited. The Batman cartoon is also on Netflix, and I’m debating with myself whether or not I want to re-watch it, too.

Also I finished rewatching Legend of Korra (which inspired this Note) and Leverage (which did not).

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Absent Love Interest

 I made rice last night! And I missed doing that. I made a little too much because I’m hoping to share it at some point. Hopefully, I also get to grill this weekend! If not, well then that’s too bad but there will still be delicious food.

This week I read The Lies of Locke Lamora, which was fun! And it inspired this Saturday Note.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

On Greek Mythology Adaptations

This weekend marks the release of Across the Spider-Verse; I will not see it this weekend, I think, but hopefully next weekend (or the one after that!) I shall get to it. The first movie is one of my favorites, after all!

Currently I am rewatching Legend of Korra, and I’ve gotten to the final season. I considered a Note about that but I already did one recently, so put that on the backburner. I’m also rewatching Justice League (the animated series) which is great fun!

I wasn’t sure if there even would be a Saturday Note this week, but we’re going to give it a go!