Saturday, April 29, 2023

Fullmetal Alchemist, Sin, & C.S. Lewis

 Today is the feast day of Saint Catherine of Siena! Just a thing to know. She’s cool. I’m still kicking myself that I did not see her tomb when I was in Rome a decade ago. 

Yesterday was also Terry Pratchett’s birthday, which I think is worth bringing up.

I had the thought for this essay since I got towards the end of watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and it’s been bouncing around my head every so often. Some spoilers for that series up ahead, but it’s been out for ages so I don’t think anyone cares.

Might be worth mentioning that Saint Thomas Aquinas called them “the Seven Deadly Vices” because many of the “Deadly Sins” embody emotions, rather than sins themselves. The problem isn’t feeling the emotions, it’s letting them control your actions. If you care about these things.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

On “In Turn with Nature” Heroes & Societies

 I picked up the digital library copy of A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir, and uh, I don’t think it really worked for me. Which was a bit of a disappointment. Next I’ll be reading more Hellboy, I think, and maybe a new author? We shall see!

I will put up pictures of last weekend soon, I hope, for people on Facebook. But in the meantime, since this is Earth Day, I thought I would try to do something remotely related to the idea? I’ve also been looking at Limyaael essays lately, so I think this shall end up being an essay in that vein.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Problem of Pirate Protagonists

 It is Easter! So that means I am back on Tumblr, if you care about these things.

I am writing about pirates this week for Reasons. I am flashing back to the line “good, honest pirates” from one of the Castaways of the Flying Dutchmen books, but I haven’t read it in ages, so I don’t feel comfortable bringing up in the Note.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

On Jesus Imagery in Fiction

 Hallo! We are in Holy Week! After Sunday I shall be back on Tumblr, if you were worried about that. It is kind of cool to have the free time I would have used updating Tumblr to do other things, so we’ll see if I can figure out a way to balance things a bit more.

Because Sunday is Easter, I wanted to do something that was connected to that?

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Marxist Reading of "Dragons Love Tacos"

 There are a TON of things that are going to be happening over the next couple of weeks, including Holy Week and Easter! I don’t know how much I’ll be writing Saturday Notes. I suspect I will, but here’s your heads up in case I don’t.

I’m reading another Sanderson book, by the way. And I finished season four of Young Justice this morning!

My Friday was a bit rough, and I had one of those existential, “Does anything actually matter?” afternoons, but I DID tell myself that I was going to write this Note, and given the subject matter I thought it was important that I got to it. I’d been putting off this one long enough, though I’ll admit that I pulled a lot of these ideas from the blog of author Matthew Arthur Larkee; however, I wanted to take my own stab at the subject matter. 

So here we are.