Saturday, August 31, 2024

On Parody Fantasy

I should finish my T.A. Barron re-read soon, then continue with BPRD and Discworld. Still Dragon Ageing, and trying to find my footing in Thedas. Any tips would be welcome there.

Oh! And Mondaybor Day is Labor Day.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Make Complete Installments

Yesterday was meant to be a lot happier than it ended up being. But work was the opposite of fun! I was furious for a good part of the day. And honestly, it doesn’t help that I was reading a book that’s…kind of trash? It’s the only thing I had with me to read on my break, though. I shouldn’t complain, because it was a free book, though the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it’s free for a reason.

Still starting up Dragon Age (playing as a Qunari mage, if you’re curious). Might have an adventure next weekend, for Labor Day Weekend. We’ll see!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bickering Couples

This weekend I intend to begin my first Dragon Age, as Inquisition was on sale in the Playstation Store. I’ll let you know how that goes! I’m still debating whether to utilize the Dragon Age Keep to make story choices.

I’ve been re-watching season two of Elementary, and along with reading The Sherlockian, maybe a re-read of my Holmes book is in order? Regardless, now I’m on another book, this one about the Inklings. Long ago, in high school and as an undiegrad, I had the idea to form a writing group like that; years later, I realized that I lacked the charisma, drive, cleverness, and bluntly, the likability to do such a thing.

Anyway, bickering couples.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage Review

I have begun a book on Henry Avery, which posits a theory as to what happened to him after the Gunsway Heist. Apparently? He became a spy. Maybe. I’ll keep you updated.

Having survived this past week, and all of the rain, let us see if, I dunno, I can do something productive this next week.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Once Upon a Time & Satisfying Mysteries

Camp NaNoWriMo is over; the novel is not, but it’s very close. Without that chart and daily updates on the NaNoWriMo website, I struggle with keeping up momentum. All the same, maybe I can wrap up an epilogue, and then go back to the text. Quick aside: are any of you interested in my NaNoWriMo playlist? It’s mostly game (ie, Assassin’s Creed) soundtracks.

The past week was much less rainy than the week before, which is nice.

Presently re-reading Soul Music!