Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Standard Urban Fantasy Setting

Happy day after the day after Thanksgiving!

I have a few books I’m reading, but I am hoping that around Christmas, my schedule and my Discworld read-through will have allowed me to have gotten to Hogfather. I still have to get through Feet of Clay, though. 

Trying to get through Dragon Age: Inquisition, but there’s so much to do! Gah!

Saturday, November 23, 2024

How Important is Canon?

Got a few reminders this week of how useless I am. I’ll make it, though–Thanksgiving is coming up! There should be some good food. I also want to work on getting some more Dragon Age 3 done before Christmas, so hopefully this break will give me the opportunity.

UGH computer’s updating again.

Inspired a bit by an article on Reactor Mag!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

On Villain Complexity & the Doom Villains

Yahoo Mail reformatted itself. Why? Because the Internet is Gehenna, I guess.

I am out of town for YALLFest this weekend, so I am pre-writing this before Friday. Actually, I should be writing these before the final day, anyway, but most of the time the week overwhelms me.

This one was prompted by some discussions I’ve seen about Dragon Age, though this Note isn’t actually about Dragon Age.

Also, “Villains of Dune” sounds like a really crappy Herbert novel.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Tamora Pierce & Returning Heroes

Hoo boy, we had an election, and, uh… that happened. I was about to wangst about my life choices, but there are bigger issues in the world. 

Currently reading a bit of a different book, but we’ll see how it goes! It’s very long, though. 

Do you know Skyrim is thirteen years old? Or will be in a couple of days? That’s just nuts.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Election Woes

Happy All Souls’ Day!

I am back from vacation; I am very behind on… just about everything, I guess. The book reviews, the Saturday Notes, and posting photos. I take too many photos; I should have in the next month over a thousand photos onto Facebook. I hope to clean up the camera cards too, as YALLFest is coming up.

Also, there’s a new Dragon Age out? Someone let me know how it is.

I voted early this week. One of the benefits of vacation was almost hearing nothing about the election, but it is the subject of the Note. I apologize.