Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lawyers in Fiction

I am out of town this weekend, so I hope this goes up in time. I started writing this earlier in the week than usual, taking notes on one of the train ticket printouts from last year’s big vacation.

It’s the Ides of March! Watch your back, and avoid toga parties.

So I’m trying out Andor while the first season is on Hulu. People have been saying it’s good. Not sure what the next book will be at this point.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stories Must End

My nose is runny, which is quite annoying; otherwise, I’m mostly okay. I’m trying out letters for Lent, and also making some kind of travel plans? It’s all a bit messy right now.

I’m finishing up the Bloodsworn Trilogy, which is good but also terrible because they just killed off the coolest character. After that might be a Scott Hahn book? Or maybe a Witcher comic.

Daylight savings this weekend! And now for the Saturday Note originally planned for last weekend.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

On Operational Information

My computer took two days to update…

I finished Dragon Pilot on Netflix; it inspired this Note. After that, I think I’ll get to watching the seasons of Brooklyn 99 that Netflix just put up. Book-wise… not sure! Probably an art book.

I had a completely different topic in mind! I wrote some notes! But this one pulled on my brain and I realized I had more original thoughts on this one.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Black History Month Character Ideas

It is a bit cold here, February is about to end, but today is scheduled to be a good day. I just need to make sure I stay warm.

I am still working through Dragon Pilot on Netflix, as well as Burn Notice on Hulu. Reading-wise, I have begun to realize that I should really get into the Cosmere novels by Sanderson.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

On Crafting in Video Games

Happy Day After Valentine’s Day! Don’t give me cake. I’m tired of it.

I realized Friday that my argument on the last Note was that the Death Star is equivalent to civilian bombing. Maybe the nuclear bomb is a better analogy? I need to think more about this.

Currently, I am watching Dragon Pilot on Netflix, an anime about dragons who are also airplanes. I re-read Artemis Fowl (the signed copy!), which was great fun. Next novel will probably be Sanderson’s Lost Metal. I’ll try to watch the Netflix animated Witcher movie this weekend, too.

Bit of life advice: with everything going on, don’t let politics consume your life. It’s important to keep up with current events, but you can’t forget to breathe once in a while.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Death Star Was a Terrible Plan (and that’s kind of okay)

Two days ago was Waitangi Day! There is leftover cake at the house that I am slowly working through.

This past week I watched the miniseries The 10th Kingdom on FreeVee. Think of it as something like early 2000’s Once Upon a Time? That’s the best I can do to briefly describe it, I think.

I’m behind on book reviews, oh, dear…

This Note idea came to me a couple of times in the past couple of weeks. One time I thought about it while about to go to sleep, and I said, “Nah, I’ll remember it in the morning.” Deciding that I have definitely forgotten ideas over night before, I decided to scribble on a sticky note in the dark and deal with it later. I also considered saving it for May 4th, but by then I strongly suspect I shall forget the idea.

So here we are.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Avatar Cycle Problems

Waitangi Day approaches!

Throat is feeling much better, though still not at 100%. I have a couple of reviews on the way, though my computer has been acting up more than usual lately, so who knows! We will see.

Not sure what I’m watching now; I finished A Man on the Inside. I tried out an episode of Loudermilk, but I don’t think it’s for me. So for now, I guess it’s re-watching season three of Elementary.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

On Fictional Society Decline

I have a sore throat. It sucks, but if that’s the extent of my unwellness, then it’s not so bad. And! I had a couple of days off of work because of the winter weather! And!!! I discovered a surprise otter!!!

I am presently reading the fourth Codex Alera book, and watching A Man on the Inside.

Randomly thinking of the Goths in The Expanse….

Saturday, January 18, 2025

On Neil Gaiman, Again

Weird mood this week, I’ve flipped and flopped. By the end of the workday on Friday, I landed on, “Wow, I’m a massive screwup and a waste of space.” Don’t worry, I should be out of it by Sunday. Probably.

I finished reading Jingo, and am currently working on The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne. Also watching Black Doves on Netflix, which is a bit different for me, but it’s not bad.

Randomly (well, not really, it was playing on the TV in a place I went to), I was reasonably annoyed about how Curious George, the Curious Little Monkey, isn’t actually a monkey. Anyhow.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Rick Riordan Hot Take

They let me out of work early on Friday due to winter weather!

I am presently reading The Quiet Damage, which is about QAnon–or rather, the damage it does to families when people go down that path and become obsessed with its conspiracy theories. It’s interesting, and weirdly made me… not as depressed this week? Like, yeah, I feel a bit aimless in life, but at least I don’t find myself so lost that I think we have to depend on Donald Trump to save the world.

Anyhow! That has nothing to do with today’s Saturday Note. I had this idea a few weeks back, after watching a review and going down a (non-conspiracy) rabbit hole on Rick Riordan’s last book (Wrath of the Triple Goddess).

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Stakes in Fiction

Uh, so, for a lot of this week I’ve been in something like a Pit of Despair. The whole, ‘it’s another year, I’ve done nothing with my life, I have nothing to look forward to,’ thing. Y’know. All that. 

Anyway, I just finished Star Wars: Dark Rendezvous, which was alarmingly good? Not sure what’s next. Still watching Jentry Chau, and the 10th episode is basically a season finale, but there are three more episodes? Getting confused on the last few episodes of Interior Chinatown, too. 

I am trying to finish up Dragon Age: Inquisition, before I get to trying out God of War.