Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stories Must End

My nose is runny, which is quite annoying; otherwise, I’m mostly okay. I’m trying out letters for Lent, and also making some kind of travel plans? It’s all a bit messy right now.

I’m finishing up the Bloodsworn Trilogy, which is good but also terrible because they just killed off the coolest character. After that might be a Scott Hahn book? Or maybe a Witcher comic.

Daylight savings this weekend! And now for the Saturday Note originally planned for last weekend.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

On Operational Information

My computer took two days to update…

I finished Dragon Pilot on Netflix; it inspired this Note. After that, I think I’ll get to watching the seasons of Brooklyn 99 that Netflix just put up. Book-wise… not sure! Probably an art book.

I had a completely different topic in mind! I wrote some notes! But this one pulled on my brain and I realized I had more original thoughts on this one.