Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 Update

So I don’t have a Note this week, but I think once I see Rise of Skywalker I’m going to have Thoughts, from everything I’ve heard, so expect that/those Note(s) sometime. But until those potential Notes are written, some thoughts on what’s to come:

-Best Books I Read in 2019
-Favorite Books By Genre
-Favorite Movies of 2019 (probably not this considering I didn’t go to the movies that much)
-Eagles in Assassin’s Creed

And that’s kind of all I got. The reason I’m not doing a ‘Movies I’ve Seen Last Year’ is because I don’t really have a way of recording all of the movies I saw last year, other than checking the reviews I’ve done for the currently-down Movie Munchies, which isn’t really a comprehensive list by any means. I like all the ‘best of decade’ lists I’ve been seeing, but I don’t think I can put together one of those. In any case, I tend to measure the decade as ending in 2020?

I’m open to suggestions for other Note ideas, but that’s what I think is coming up for the next few weeks.

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